Slotted Waveguide Array Antennas, by Lars Josefsson and Sembiam R. Rengarajan, is the first comprehensive treatment of these antennas from an engineering perspective. It provides readers with a thorough foundation in applicable theories as well as hands-on instruction for practical analysis, design, manufacture and use of important types of waveguide slot arrays. It goes beyond some of the commonly discussed topics and ventures into areas that include higher order mode coupling and edge effects; performance optimisation in terms of bandwidth and pattern performance and manufacturing tolerances. With specific examples of waveguide array designs, accompanied by detailed illustrations and antenna characteristics, the book is a must-have reference for engineers involved in antenna design, development and applications.
SWAN™ is mentioned in the book and listed among the software CAD tools devoted to the design and analysis of slotted waveguide array antennas.
ISBN: 9781613531891
Publisher: SciTech Publishing Inc